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Toonies for Change 50/50 is fun to play and best of all, it benefits the community!
How do I Claim my Player Profile?Please visit this page and follow the steps.
How do I Add Funds to my Player Profile?Please visit this page and follow the steps.
On what page can I login to my Player Profile?You can login to and update your Player Profile here.
On what page can I login to my Player Profile and Add Funds?You can login and Add Funds to your Play Number(s) here.
What the minimum amount I'm required to prepay?$10
Who can participate in Toonies for Change?Any resident of Nova Scotia who is 19+ who currently has or requests a Play Number.
What are the rules of Toonies for Change?Please click on the “Rules” button at the top of the home page.
Our organization would like to be considered as a beneficiary. How does that work?We support charitable non-profits in the local community. These are listed on our website. Other organizations wishing to be considered for support are asked to contact us using the contact form on the bottom of of this webpage.
Why do you take photos of the winners and what do you do with them?We feel it's improtant to publicize our winners to encourage other players to play regularly – not only for a chance to win, but also to help support our beneficiaries. The photos are sent to our players by message and are posted on our website and social media channels and may be used in the media.
I believe there may have been an error on my pre-pay. What can I do to resolve this?Please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of this page, and we will get back to you.
When am I able and not able to play or prepay?Our system shuts down for a brief period on Tuesdays from XXX to XXX in order to transition from one week’s draw to the next. If your entry to the system is blocked for this reason, you will have missed the current week's deadline but you'll be able to play for the following week's draw.
How do I find the winning ticket number?If you are the winner, you will be notified by phone immediately after the draw. The winning number, as well as the anticipated value of the next draw are transmitted to all players by mass message, and posted on our website.
What happens if I win?You will be immediately contacted by telephone. Arrangements will be made to present you with a cheque for the prize amount. We will take COVID-19 precautions into account, to ensure a mutually convenient and safe payment approach.
Where does the other 50% of the jackpot go?A portion of the other half goes to a number of beneficiaries in the local community, as listed on our website. Another portion of the other half, less administrative expenses, goes to other projects that the Rotary Club of Halifax North West supports, both locally and globally.
How is the winning number drawn?In accordance with our licence requirements, the draw is conducted in the presence of three witnesses with the use of a “bingo” device. A video of the draw will be recorded and available on our website. As COVID-19 restrictions are eased, our plan is to conduct draws in a public forum.
How can I find out what number(s) I’m playing?Our weekly message announcing the draw results will remind you of all your player numbers. You are also able to access this information by logging into your account.
Can I play more than once in a draw?You can only play each of your numbers once. Each of the numbers you wish to play must have a prepay balance to be eligible for any weekly draw.
What methods can I use to make purchases?Our secure online system will require you to prepay by credit card or debit Visa. A modest service fee will apply.
Do you store my credit card information?No we do not.
Do I have to register/login in to play? If so why?Yes. Our data management is conducted on line. You control your profile, and whether or not you play.
How do I update my contact information and/or my email?You can update your contact information by logging into your account.
If I win, can I play again?"Yes! We encourage everyone to play every week.
How do I add fund to my number(s)?Log on to your account and follow the prompts. You can build up a balance in your prepay account to a maximum of $104. Also, you will be reminded when it’s time to update your prepay balance.
What are the odds of winning?The odds depend on the number of eligible players for each draw.
What currency is the prize money paid in?Canadian dollars (CDN$)
I'm not receiving my weekly emails. Why and how can I fix this?We use MailChimp to send out our weekly emails so pelase follow these steps: 1) Please confirm that your email is correct by logging into your account. 2) Check your spam/junk folder. 3) Finally, visit this link for more advice:
I forget my login password - now what?Please click Forget Password on the account login page to reset your password.
How can I get in touch with someone at Toonies for Change?Please submit your query using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
What is the Rotary Club of Halifax Northwest?We are one of over 3,000 Rotary Clubs in 200 countries, with 1.2 million members worldwide. Rotary is a non-denominational & non-political worldwide service organization.
I'd like to volunteer with Toonies for Change. With whom do I speak about this?Thanks! Please complete the contact us form at the bottom of this page and we will get back to you.
Does anyone get paid for the work they do with Toonies for Change?No. We are entirely volunteer organization, whose motto is “Service Above Self”.
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