Over the last 7 years Toonies for Change has generated over $300,000 in prizes and funding support for several non-profits in the Spryfield area. As Rotarians, we consider it a privilege to serve the community. We thank you for your support of Toonies for Change.
But we are changing course!
Unfortunately, is spite of efforts to keep it alive, our online player participation has steadily declined, and we have never been able to make up for the number of players that chose not to top up their accounts when their balances expired. Regrettably, we have reached the point where the results no longer justify the effort.
It is therefore with sincere regret that our Toonies for Change Team and the Rotary Club of Halifax North West have decided to cease online operations.
Our last weekly draw will take place on Tuesday, August 24th.
But stay tuned!
This is only a pause in our efforts to continue supporting the community. We are working on a new fundraising initiative called the “Trip of the Month Club” – where you can join for an annual fee for a chance to win a monthly trip – just what you would want after the pandemic! We will be announcing the details in the coming weeks.
Once again, thanks for your continued support of our efforts in giving back to the community! We hope you will support our new initiative.
Please address any questions to rotaryclubhalifaxnw@gmail.com
Your Toonies for Change Team
Rotary Club of Halifax North West
Boys & Girls Club of Spryfield
The Club is a non-profit, community-based charitable organization providing social, recreational and educational programming for children and youth. The array of services and programs offered by the Club is formulated to respond to the needs identified from within the Spryfield community. On April 1st 2016, the Boys and Girls Club of Spryfield and the Sackville Boys and Girls Club, merged with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Halifax.
Chebucto Minor Hockey Association
The cost of playing hockey if often out of reach for the children of many low-income families in the Spryfield area Special efforts are made by the organization to assist these children to play hockey by helping in the payment of fees and the provision of equipment that would otherwise not be affordable.
Chebucto Connections
Recognized as an organization with character and integrity, Chebucto Connections has been the catalyst in building the area’s community connections for 34 years. Serving more than 700 children and families in Spryfield and District, Chebucto Connections programs are always free of charge thanks to the generosity of individuals, businesses, governments and organizations that want to make an impact on community.
Chebucto Family Centre
The Chebucto Family Centre began its operations as the Home of the Guardian Angel (HGA) in 1887. The agency is strategically located in Spryfield near low-income housing developments and in a community where many families live below the poverty line, and face a multitude of challenges in areas of education, employment and safe living conditions. The agency delivers programs and services that address the current needs of the community.
Edward Jost Children’s Centre
The Jost Mission Day Care Society has been providing services in support of families in need since 1910, and has been established in the Spryfield area since 1990. The organization provides quality, inclusive child-care for at risk children aged five months to five years. It particularly welcomes children with special needs and helps them to learn, grow and develop alongside their peers.
Spryfield Urban Farm Museum Society
The Urban Farm Museum Society was founded in 1996 to facilitate food production and to teach children and adults how to grow healthy, safe food. Its programs are accessible to low-income families, and an emphasis is placed on local children and youth as a way to strengthen the traditional social fabric of the community.
Shelter Nova Scotia
Shelter NS has, since September 2015, been managing the Herring Cove Apartments in Spryfield, where it provides support, food and accommodation to people who have experienced long-term chronic homelessness, as well as significant health issues. Through this facility, several who have been without a place to live, frequently for up to 20 years, now have a place to call home.
Family SOS
Family SOS is a local non-profit, child-centered organization directed toward building strong and healthy families. In Spryfield it manages the Healthy Kidz program located in the Greystone Community where it offers a fun and safe place for kids. The program provides unique afterschool and summer day camp opportunities that engage and educate children. Children, families and facilitators work together to host a variety of community events.
Rotary International
For more than 110 years, Rotary's people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action of sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end. Our 35,000+ clubs work together to Promote Peace, Fight Disease, Provide Clean Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Save Mothers & Children, Support Education & Grow Local Economies.